stories of an adoptive family
"When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out." -Erma Bombeck

Monday, November 16, 2009

Maybe you're doing a better job than you think!

For all you parents out there I have a quote for you. It's from a book I'm currently reading called "Christlike Parenting" by Dr Glenn Latham.

"Well-meaning parents who have tried their best should avoid the temptation of using their children's behavior as the measure of their success as parents. If children's behavior were the sole measure of good parenting, our heavenly Father would not qualify. Through Isaiah, the Lord lamented, 'I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.' (Isaiah 1:2)."

So remember this when your children embarass you in public with their poor behavior. You are doing a good and important job.


The Bohne's said...

Thank you for posting that. It really made my day. There are many days I feel like I'm failing.

Lisa Sanderson said...

Let's include don't judge other parents by their children's behavior. hint hint...

Janell said...

I don't judge you do I? I hope that's not a hint hint directed to me. I think you do a fabulous job with your boys especially since you are currently doing it alone.