Cupcake #1 Cat in the Hat.
You can't tell very well in the picture but the cupcake itself is striped red and white like Cat's hat. The cupcake topper has Dr. Seuss quotes on it.
Cupcake #2 Green Eggs and Ham.
I'm not sure I like the eggs...they look kind of like boobies. Oh well.
Cupcake #3 Horton hear a Who.
In my head this looke a lot cuter but it was a struggle to get the coconut on the stick. Original idea was to cover a marshmallow. (which is impossible unless you make your own marshmallows). Then I thought maybe a rice crispie treat covered in melted chocolate and rolled in coconut but that made the rice crispie melt off the stick. Finally I softened the treat in the microwave and rolled in the coconut. All in all I'm pretty proud of my ideas but I'm sure that someone out ther can make them cuter. But that's okay. I had fun anyway. After all "think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try."
PS. I think if you were going to do the Horton cupcakes you should make the clover out of a chocolate covered marshmallow rolled in coconut or a chocolate covered doughnut hole roled in coconut. Even after allowing the rice crispie treats to harden for 2 days, when they were put upright in the cupcakes 50% of them slid down the stick.